Tools and Treatments for Total Age Management

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Tools and Treatments for Total Age Management

“Is there anything I can do to firm the skin around my jawline and make my wrinkles less noticeable?” This is a common question I hear from many clients. It’s not an easy answer, as it requires a multi-targeted approach to address lifestyle factors, product selection and professional services.

Research shows that even younger people are concerned about the signs of aging. With the influence of the internet, social media, and the plethora of photoshopped or AI images online today, it’s understandable that the interest in tools and treatments to target aging has escalated over that of previous generations.

So let’s take it step-by-step for the skin stages and the factors that need to be considered.


Even though it may seem premature, taking care of your skin and using SPF in your 20s will pay dividends for the rest of your life; it’s all about prejuvenation!I t’s typical in the 20’s to experience slight dullness, and you may feel your skin looks more tired. These issues can be caused by a poor cleansing regimen, a lack of exfoliation, not using adequate daily SPF application, as well as a lack of sleep, stress, fluctuating hormones or even genetics. The goal during the 20's is to learn & practice good skincare habits from the get-go. The skin may not show signs of aging yet, but focusing on thorough cleansing and daily sunscreen use is the goal. Using a minimum of SPF 30 every day come rain or shine will help protect your skin from all light sources including blue light from laptops and that mounting screen time on cell phones.

A silicone ultrasonic cleansing brush will take your home care cleanse to a professional level! This technology uses ultrasonic waves for skin cleansing, and rather than tugging and scratching the skin like traditional cleansing nylon bristles, today’s modern units glide effortlessly over the skin, delivering up to 20,000 Hz of ultrasonic vibration to dislodge debris and dramatically improve the efficacy ofthe cleanser.

The bt-Sonic cleansing brush is what I (Pam) use when performing professional skin treatments, and my clients and I find it very effective!  After just a short time using the bt-Sonic, clients have reported clearer skin with less blocked pores and breakout, and a smoother texture to their skin!


The 30’s are a transitional time. In our 30s early aging signs will begin to surface because of sun exposure. Fine lines around the eyes, uneven skin color and some loss of volume in the cheeks is normal. Collagen begins to decrease in our 30s, so wrinkles and thinner skin under the eyes may reveal underlying blood vessels (i.e dark circles), which will often be the chief skin complaint. This is a key time to begin to use antioxidants (like Vitamin C Serum and Creme), skin brightening products, exfoliants and eye creams.

The 30’s are the time to begin receiving nano tip or microexfoliation services. These treatments/devices are widely sought out and vital to encourage healthycellular turnover, brighten skin discoloration, smooth visible lines and improve general skin health and glow. The bt-Titan microexfoliation treatment delivers a precise exfoliation tailored to your exact needs, while avoiding the significant downtime often associated with more aggressive microneedling services. The microscopic pyramid shape of the nano tips also assists in greater penetration and absorption of products.

40s and Beyond

The 40s are when we start to see more significant changes in the turgor and firmness of the skin. There is a loss of volume and elasticity, in addition to more pronounced lines, wrinkles and visible discoloration and photo damage. Increasing cell turnover, boosting ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to support collagen and elastin, while providing deep hydration and correcting discoloration are all key areas to address. After 50, post-menopausal skin has declining levels of estrogen and increased levels of androgens, resulting in skin lacking of volume, being less elastic, more fragile and thinner. Dryness and sometimes sensitivity is another major concern.

Products like serums, masques and moisturizers that are packed with skin adapting botanicals, repairing peptides and lipid replenishing vitamins are key to introduce to your skin regimen at this time.

Regular services that boost cellular ATP with true microcurrent is a phenomenal treatment to have in your 40’s, 50’s and 60’s and beyond. True microcurrent is the holy grail for treating multiple signs of aging skin. This safe, effective and non-invasive technology has truly revolutionized professional skin care and is the gold standard for industry pros and celebrity facialists. By mirroring the body’s own natural low level electrical current, microcurrent technology is able to dramatically tone the facial contour, leaving skin plump, hydrated and firm.

Much of the information in this blog entry came from a recent article by Annet King, a VP at Bio-Therapeutic.  Annet has had over 30 years experience as a skin therapist, educator and is regarded as a world class skin care professional.

I have personally been trained and certified to use many of Bio-Therapeutic’s devices, including those mentioned above and more, and use them regularly in my esthetics practice. If you live in the Portland, Oregon area, feel free to contact me @ pamw@charismaskin.com or 503-686-5828 for more information about the skin treatments, services and products I offer, or you may schedule your appointments online at https://www.charismaskin.com, select “Spa Services” then “Schedule Now.”

If you live outside the Portland area, you may email Bio-Therapeutic at info@bio-therapeutic.com or call 800-976-2544 to locate a Bio-Therapeutic certified esthetician near you.  



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